The Basics of Web Hosting , It is a rare individual in this decade who has not spent a fair amount of their lives in the online world of websites. But even though you can surf the web, if you are considering creating or improving a website for yourself or your company or organization, there are a few things that you need to know before you begin. Internet 101- How web sites work A web site is a series of files and/or programs that reside on a web enabled computer (called a host server) located somewhere on the internet. When you type in a web address or click on a link, your browser finds the host server on the web and requests a page to display. The host server assembles the code for the page and sends it to your browser, which in turn interprets the code and uses it to create the page for you to see. The page you are looking for could be a found in a single file containing all of the information for displaying web page, or the code for the requested page could be created...
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