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Top 5 things you’ll want from your Web Hosting Service.

So it’s all done and dusted. You’ve created your website, either from scratch or using a template (we’re not judging) but now you want it up and running. Thanks to the internet, you have an almost unlimited variety of choice when it comes to choosing a web hosting service, so which one should you choose? We don’t know. Sorry. But here is a checklist of things to make sure your provider…provides, I guess.

5. Unlimited mailboxes

We’re going to run with the notion that your site is for your business, but you’ll still want this if you’re just working on a project. Having a site, means that you can create email addresses for you and all your employees, which include the name of your business. Some web hosting services, however, limit the number of email addresses you are allowed to make. This, if you think about it, limits you greatly, especially if you are looking to grow your business. So, when choosing your host, make sure that they offer you unlimited mailboxes.

4. Site Back-up

It’s very important that your web host completes site back-ups on a regular basis in case the worst happens. It’s a just in case. Hackers are weird people and you might log in one day and your entire database has been completely nuked. If your host provides back-ups, you should be able to restore your full site with little more than a click

3. Site Stats

 This one is a little self-explanatory. Your web host should, without a doubt, be able to give you live stats on your website’s performance and hits. It should be able to tell you things like your click-through rate, if you have ads on other sites, as well as the strength of the server you’re running on. This will give you important information on how your site is doing, as well as being able to prevent server overload, which will lead your site to crash.

2. Refund Policy

Everyone wants your money. Don’t forget that! Everyone wants your money and will step over their grandmother to get it. You’re going to want to be on the lookout for your web host’s refund policy. This includes whether or not you can choose to cancel within the trial period and still get your money back. Are there cancellation fees? Do they pull you into a longer contract than you want, without a money-back-guarantee?

1. 24/7 Technical Support

What you’ll want, more than anything else, is a hosting service that is always there for you. Chances are, you’re paying them good money to maintain your site’s online presence, so you want to be sure that if worst comes to worst, they will be there to hold your hand all the way through. The best of them, provide things like helpful tutorial videos to fix common issue that may occur with your site, while at the same time, offering you a 24/7 tech support hotline that you can call, preferably toll free!


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